The Witch Wars legacy lives on.

Years and years ago, when I used to run with the Wiccan crowd (more often than I do now). I became acquainted with the practice of Witch Wars. They would go on and on about how one type of Wicca is more valid than the other, because one’s heritage (succession?) is claimed to be more validated than another. Maybe that was one of the things that moved me from the path of Wicca. Another, being the “neo” aspect of it all… (Another topic?)

That being said… As I move about cyberspace researching, and studying what I find concerning Gnosticism. There are Gnostic discussion threads that I’ve stumbled upon. (Which I will not reference here,(for want of not starting my own Witch War)). That exhibit the same behavior. Attitudes that seem to convey “My Gnosticism can beat up your Gnosticism” or “My brain is bigger than yours”. Using unusual words that send one scurrying about for the dictionary.

Granted; Gnosticism seems to attract the more cerebral crowd (being defined as Knowledge), and spirited debate is healthy for Gnostisism, but the mounting of high horses, and looking down on your fellow seekers is bad form….

NOTES: (1). In referencing, I found that the only reference Wikipedia had on this subject was an episode of Charmed. However, with a little effort I was able to find the necessary reference. (2). If you have not experienced this topic of discussion, you will. It’s out there, in all it’s glory.