
It is the children that are used in horror films that creep me out. I like horror films and all, but the kids give me the willies.

Not quite sure why. Maybe it is the innocence lost aspect. The idea that they have not yet had a chance to experience life, and then suddenly they are ghosts or demonic spirits. Like the film “The Sixth Sense” or “The Ring”. Sometimes they do not even have to be dead. Just other worldly beings like the film “The Village of the Damned”.

Or the Exorcist. Which was (at the time of that films release) the scariest film I have ever seen. I can remember walking home from the theater after I saw that one … creepy!

Looking back, that film seems a bit tame by todays standards of film making. But still a classic. I guess that says something about our culture today. It seems that we are becoming de-sensitised regarding the blood and guts. It takes more and more to really shock someone today. Shocking images are everywhere. In the movies, on the nightly news … Slowing down to look at car crashes … reminding us of our own mortality.

Of course, when the next great horror film is produced, I will be among the first to see it (being the fan that I am), and maybe it will have some scary little kid in it … creepy.